

What About HIM - John 21

What About HIM - John 21

As John draws his gospel story to an end, we find Jesus informing Peter concerning how Peter's life would end in hardship and martyrdom. While Peter listens, there is John. I have wondered what kind of look was on John's face as all the apostles were listening to Jesus talk to Peter. I have also wondered about what raced through Peter's mind as he listened to this.

The one thing we know, Peter responds as people often do in such circumstances: "What about HIM?" We have all done this. Growing up with a sibling (or perhaps more), this has been our response when given a chore or being punished for a misdeed we were caught in. We point at our brother and cry: "What about HIM?" Perhaps it is a version of the misery loves company concept. It comes not from love for justice or for our brother, but from a twisted form of selfishness. We know we cannot avoid the situation; we just want HIM to suffer too. After all, "it is only fair".

While we may have grown up, this nagging little question seems to continue to pop up. When we are assigned a duty and our co-worker isn't, we ask it. Even in major events of our lives, we tend to look around and see other people that are not having to deal with the same problem, and then ask God: "What about him?"

It is also interesting to notice that such a question almost never happens when good things come. At such times, people seldom look at their neighbor, co-worker, or brother and ask this. Our sense of fairness and justice seems to have disappeared! Our sense of self however yet displays itself.

Jesus' answer is THE answer to this question: "what is that to you? You follow Me!” We are all different with different abilities, opportunities, and responsibilities. We are each individually disciples of Jesus. Each of our lives progresses on its own course. "What about him" doesn't really matter. Your relationship with God is between YOU and God. Your obedience, your faith, your service; it is YOURS.

So, what about you? Are you faithfully serving Jesus? If all others forsake Him, will you follow Jesus?

Hugh DeLong