

Different Responses to Jesus

Different Responses to Jesus

As we read through the gospel of Mark, we will see that people responded differently to Jesus and His message. In spite of the clarity of His teaching and the witness of the miracles that confirmed He was the Son of God, not all became faithful disciples.

Jesus explains such in his parable of the sower. I prefer to think of this as the parable of the SOILS. Different hearts and minds came to different conclusions about Jesus. Such does NOT show that ALL thinking is right, but in fact shows that much thinking is wrong. There were some who simply ignored the whole issue. There were some that were confused by different answers about Jesus. Still others believed for a while, and then simply got wrapped up with ‘life’ and walked away from the practice of His message. BUT, there were those who believed and stuck it out. Even among these, there were different strengths of such faith.

The question is, what kind of soil are you? Your response to this message is the proof of this question.

Hugh DeLong