

Galatians Proverbs

Galatians Proverbs

Reading chapter 6 of Galatians is like reading the book of Proverbs! (only a bit shorter). Each verse gives us enough to chew on for a long time.

·        1-5       personal responsibilities and relationships

·        6          Teacher / student responsibilities

·        7-8       Attitude towards God, Sin, and judgment

·        9          The need of perseverance and faithfulness

·        10        Responsibilities of opportunities

·        11        Paul’s personal

·        12-15   Problem of Circumcision (again)

·        16        Reward of faithfulness

·        17-18   Conclusion and Blessings

As a teacher, I often remind myself of verse 6. This verse is often cited as scriptural obligation of the ‘student’ supporting the ‘teacher’ financially. Such indeed is a biblical precept as seen in 1 Cor. 9:3-14, which ends with the Lord’s teaching that “those who proclaim the gospel to get their living from the gospel.”

Yet, the word ‘share’ also means joint participation and mutual interest. First, the teacher must first ‘teach himself’ and be practicing the very things he is teaching (cp. Romans 2:21-22, and also the command for teachers to be examples in 1 Tim. 4:12 and Titus 2:7). Then, the student is not just learning but must begin to put such teaching into practice. Such is that very foundation of the great commission: ‘teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded” (Matt. 28:20).

Now, go back and reread this chapter and get busy living it.

Hugh DeLong