

Just As I Am

Just As I Am

“Just As I Am” has been a favorite hymn of many congregations for many years. Yet, a common misunderstanding and misapplication of that phrase leads to a failure in spiritual growth. It is true that we do not have to become ‘better’ in order to obey the gospel, but we can not allow ourselves to stay as we were. GROWTH as a disciple is repeatedly taught and emphasized. Peter final instruction: “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord” (2Pet. 3:18).

Even here in Ephesians we are taught to GROW. In particular, we were to PUT OFF the old man (that does refer back to who you were WHEN you were converted) and PUT ON the new man (that is you NOW).

Of course, we live in an ‘enlightened’ age that is not ‘encumbered with ancient morals’, at least that is what is often affirmed. A simple reading of the lifestyle of the 1st century Roman empire shows that in fact we are not much, if at all, different from them. Their empire was filled with immorality, impurity, greed, covetousness, moral filthiness, and crude speech, not to mention anger, rebellion, corruption, and violence. So, what do you see is really different from our current world? Not much!

So, yes, you walked according to the standards of society but then were ‘converted’. It started with a change of heart, mind, and allegiance. We TURNED to Christ, We repented of such a lifestyle. We were baptized into Christ --- and then RAISED TO WALK IN NEWNESS OF LIFE.

We were accepted as we were (or at least ‘where’ we were spiritually), but we were born again. We became ‘babes in Christ’. We are now expected to be growing and maturing in our following of Jesus.

How have you grown this year?  

Hugh DeLong