

Free From The Love Of Money

Free From The Love Of Money

As we finish our reading of the letter to the Hebrews, we are exhorted to ‘make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have…” (13:5).

Most people have heard that ‘the love of money is the root of all (sorts) of evil’. We need some form of currency in our world seeing that most of us are no longer subsistence farmers. We depend on the production of things by others, and we procure them by barter or purchase.

As we contemplate the future, we realize that such need of purchasing power will continue to be part of our existence. We are thus faced with the problem of TRUST. What will we trust for our needs? Government? Banks? Our ‘stash’?  These have all proven themselves unreliable.

Hence, we are exhorted to place our trust for our daily needs firmly upon God. He has promised not to forsake or desert us, but to be our helper.

In appraising our ‘needs’, the one aspect that must be factored in is the certainty of DEATH! Even the Hebrew writer as reminded us: “… it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment” (Heb. 9:27). There is simply no way of telling how many faithful disciples died in poverty, famine, persecution, etc. Such circumstances are common to man, and we are human! The problem is then not the ‘need’, but our eternal outlook and trust in God that looks beyond the grave.

Will you yet serve God when you have lost everything but your life? Job did! Jesus did. You can. Where is your trust?

Hugh DeLong