

I Will Do As You Say - Luke 5:5

I Will Do As You Say - Luke 5:5

Peter came from a family of fishermen, men who made their living fishing on the lake of Gennesaret (Galilee). He grew up fishing on this lake. He his own boat and was in business with John.

NOW, along come Jesus, the son of a carpenter, raised in Nazareth a small village NOT on the shores of the lake. Had Jesus ever fished? Had he ever been out on a boat on the lake? Had he ever caught a fish? Yet, he tells this seasoned fisherman to put his net down in the deep water.

Peter acknowledges first that they had just spent all night and had caught no fish. I would think that they fished at night for that was the acknowledged time to catch fish. That time is past, it is now daytime and time to wash and repair their nets and prepare for the next night of fishing. The idea of going back out onto the lake, out to the deep water, and again letting your nets down was a strange instruction!

Peter has set an example for all of us when we are faced with a command of Jesus that seems unreasonable: unreasonable to our learning, experience, and thinking. “…I will do as You say…”  THEN he DOES.

This is trust. In the same situation, would YOU have gone fishing?

Trust and obey, for there’s no other way, to be happy in Jesus…

Hugh DeLong