

The 70 - Luke 10

The 70 - Luke 10

We are accustomed to speaking of the 12 Apostles, yet we need to realize there were many more witnesses that not only knew but testified concerning Jesus as the Son of God. A partial list would include: Demons, Angels ,God the Father ,The Gaderene Demon Possessed, The Samaritan Woman of John 4, The Samaritans of John 4, Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, the women that ministered unto Jesus (L   ), The blind man of John 9, the widow of Nain, her son, and the people of the burial procession… , Etc., etc…  Now we add another large number: the 70.

Yet, such testimony is testimony and is ‘processed’ by each person that hears. Our hearing is found in the written and preserved writings of the New Testament. What will we do with such testimony? Or, as Jesus asked the apostles: “Who do YOU say that I am?”   Well, with all of this testimony, who DO you say that He is?

Hugh DeLong