

Timothy - Acts 16

Timothy - Acts 16

It would be interesting to me to know the dynamics of Timothy’s family life as he was growing up! His mother was Jewish, his father was a Greek (gentile), his grandmother on his mother’s side was Jewish, we don’t know about his grandfathers. We don’t know if his father was religious at all, but there was something there that kept his mother from having him circumcised.

What little we know is that both his mother and her mother had what Paul called a ‘sincere’ faith. Such apparently was not just the Jewish faith in God, but also the disciple’s faith in Jesus. Such faith caused her to teach Timothy the sacred writings from his youth (2Tim. 3:15). Being equipped from a young age with such knowledge, he became a disciple (of Jesus) and was well spoken of by the brethren. He also impressed Paul enough that he wanted to take him as he went everywhere preaching. He went with Paul and was a valued partner.

How many times have we seen this scenario played out? God instructed Israel to teach their children (Deut.4:9, 10; 6:6, 7, 20; 11:19-21; 32:46; Josh 24:15.) In the NT such is specifically addressed to the Fathers (Eph. 6:4). For whatever reason, dad doesn’t engage in such teaching. Sometimes, dad not only doesn’t help in this, but he is also an obstacle and hindrance. The mother steps up to the plate and teaches them. There are countless stories of mothers like Timothy’s who raised up godly children that served the Lord. I am always humbled whenever I meet a ‘Timothy’.

While I understand what Robert Turner meant when he stated that “God has no grandchildren”, yet I know people like Timothy whose faith dwelt first in their mother and often their grandmother. Such faith gets passed on by example and teaching. Thank God for such mothers and their sincere faith!

What are you teaching your children/grandchildren?   

Hugh DeLong