

Paul Preaches In Rome - Acts 28

Paul Preaches In Rome - Acts 28

Paul had wanted to go to Rome, but little did he know how he would get there. After this somewhat disastrous voyage, Paul finally makes it.

The Jews of Rome have not heard directly from any of the Jerusalem Jews that had set out to kill Paul (21). They do know that everywhere, including in Rome, this ‘sect’ is spoken against (vs 22). They desired to know Paul’s views about this way.

Again, as was Paul’s method, he explained and testified and persuaded them concerning Jesus. The basis of his argumentation was the Law of Moses and the writings of the prophets. I would have loved to listen to him, to learn which scriptures he used and how he explained them. The best we can do, since these lessons were not recorded, is to study his writings and see his use of such scriptures there. His confidence in the Word of God as the power unto salvation again is displayed. If they will not hear Moses and the prophets, who would they listen to?

Some were persuaded, but others WOULD NOT believe. Such has and always will be the case. All evidence and testimony must be weighed in the mind of each listener. Some, for whatever reasons, WILL not believe. Such was true throughout the Old Testament. Isaiah spoke of the people of Isaiah’s day, and Paul uses this to show that nothing has changed. Some have simply closed their eyes and ears to truth. Such does not change the TRUTH, but it shows the character of the person.

With such rejection, Paul does not quit! He doesn’t change his teaching. For two years, while being under ‘house arrest’, he “was welcoming all who came to him, preaching the kingdom of God and teaching concerning the Lord Jesus Christ with all openness” (Acts 20:30-31). We need to realize that people still reject the message, but we, like Paul must continue preaching.

Such was the commission of Jesus our Lord: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16 "He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned” (Mark 16:15-16).  

Have you believed and obeyed the gospel of Jesus, or are you rejecting Jesus? 

Hugh DeLong