

The Devil  - Matthew 4

The Devil  - Matthew 4

The Devil is REAL - He is a being. He has thought, knowledge, will, and is evil. While today many are saying that he is a mythological character, a personification of evil, or some other ‘non-entity’, the Bible simply portrays him as a real being. Jesus said so (John 8:44; Luke 22:31-34; etc.), Peter said so (1Peter 5:8; 2Pet. 2:1-3), Paul said so (Romans 16:20; 1Cor. 5:5, 7:5; 2Cor. 11:14; etc.), John said so (John 13:27; Rev. 2:9, 13, 24; etc.), Luke said so (Acts 5:3; 26:18; etc.). The list goes on, but that is sufficient.

Here he is called ‘the Devil’. This word means one who is “prone to slander, slanderous, accusing falsely” (Strong's). He accuses and slanders God’s people even as he did Job. 

He is also referred to as ‘Satan’.  This word means: "adversary (one who opposes another in purpose or act)” (Strong's). He is not only against God but stands opposed to God’s people.

He Tempts - but cannot force. While the word can mean either 'test' (as in proving) - it also, depending upon context, means to 'tempt' as here. In these cases, it is the attempt to cause one to rebel against God's commandments and thus sin. 

I find it almost baffling that Satan would thus even tempt Jesus. He acknowledges that Jesus IS the Son of God, and then attempts to turn Him away from following, serving, and worshiping God. If he would do that with Jesus, we can be assured that he will not let us go free. 

He Knows scripture. Both Jesus and Satan quoted OT texts. They both thus acknowledged that what was WRITTEN had been passed down and preserved. They both acknowledged that what was written was the WORD of God. Satan misapplied it. Jesus correctly applied it by aligning it with another scripture. 

HE CAN be resisted. Satan is not omnipotent (nor omniscience, nor omnipresent: he is NOT God. He is limited by what God will allow. He has been given the ability and authority to test all of us. He thus goes about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may to devour. You don't have to be devoured! Peter instructs us to "resist the devil and he will flee from you" (1Pet. 5:8-9). 

The scripture gives us the knowledge and ability to resist. At each temptation, Jesus was able to quote the appropriate scripture. He had to know such BEFORE the occasion arose! He had taken the armor of truth and with it withstood the temptation. As Jesus resisted, so we must know and hold fast to God's truth.

Jesus was tempted but did not sin.  Being thus made complete, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all who obey Him. ARE you obeying Him? 

Hugh DeLong