

Woe To The Unrepentant - Matt. 11

Woe To The Unrepentant - Matt. 11

Jesus singled out three cities of Galilee for great condemnation and judgment: Chorazin, Bethsaida, Capernaum. Then, in a surprising contrast, Jesus points out that such rejection put them in a worse condition than the ancient cities of Tyre, Sidon, Sodom, and Gomorrah! The reason was simply that these cities were the scenes of most of Jesus’ miracles: “He began to denounce the cities in which most of His miracles were done, because they did not repent” (Matt. 11:20).

With such great privilege come great responsibility but also great judgment. What did they see? It is a bit difficult to collect the various miracles that were located in these cities because the location is not always directly stated, but I have included my list below. It is indeed an impressive list! My count has 17 such miracles, and the statement that there were ‘many others’ (Matt. 8:16-17). What more could He have done to show them He was the son of God?

We, although not seeing first-hand such miracles, have an inspired record of them. While those in the 1st century would have witnessed SOME, we have knowledge of all of them. Such a record of miracles “have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name” ( John 20:31).

Having the privilege of knowing about these, how will you fare in the judgment to come?

Hugh DeLong


Miracles in Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum

Chorazin – none recorded. [2 miles north of Capernaum]

Bethsaida [a suburb of Capernaum] (home of Philip, Andrew, and Peter – John 1:44)

· Blind man Mark 8:22-26

· 5000 fed Mark 6:32-44

· Walk on water Mark 6:45-52


1st year

· Draught of fish – Luke 5:9-11

· Demon in synagogue – Mk. 1:23-28

· Paralytic healed – Mark 2:1-12

· Withered hand restored – Mark 3:1-6

2nd year

· Centurion's servant – Matt. 5:5-13

· Peter's mother-in-law – Matt. 8:14-15

· Many others – Matt. 8:16-17

· Storm stilled – Matt. 8:23

· Sick of palsy – Matt. 9:1-8

· Jairus' daughter – Matt. 9:18-26

· Bleeding woman – Matt. 9:20-22

· 2 blind men – Matt. 9:27-31

· Demon possessed – Matt. 9:32-34

· Tribute $ - Matt. 17

· Blind/mute demon possessed – Matt. 12:22-53