

Parable of the Sower - Mark 4

Parable of the Sower - Mark 4

The parable here has been for a long time called the parable of the sower. In more recent times it has been referred to as the parable of the soils. Then we have the label in the NASB95: The parable of the Sower and Soils.

Reading this always brings to mind the man, who standing in front of one of the world’s greatest painting, declared he didn’t think it was very good! Such shows more about the MAN then about the painting. So I find it in people’s response to Jesus!

Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus’ word is the Word of God. The problem is not the weakness of the Word but the nature of those who hear it. Here Jesus mentions 4 different types of hearers.

First, identify YOURSELF? What kind of soil are your? 2nd, recognize that even though the majority of ‘soils’ will not believe, the truth is still the truth and Jesus is still the Son of God and His word is still the Word of God.
