

Tradition - Mark 7

Tradition - Mark 7

One of my favorite movies is Fiddler on the Roof and one of the outstanding songs in this movie was ‘Tradition’. Traditions are simply difficult things to give up or change! We all have them! (Often we call them ‘habits.’) Not all such traditions are sinful, in fact, many of them are useful. The truth is, most traditions began as solutions to various problems and situations of life! They worked – so they are repeated again and again. Tradition!

Paul mentions the fact that by revelation he (and the other inspired writers of the New Testament) left us traditions that we must follow. (2 Thess. 2:15, 3:6; 1 Cor. 11:2, ). Such are NOT the traditions of men but the revelation of God.

You must distinguish between the traditions of men (including your own!) and the word of God. THEN, having made such a distinction, hold fast to God’s traditions.
