

The Glory Of Jesus - Mark 9

The Glory Of Jesus - Mark 9

When Jesus became flesh, His glory was hidden. Upon seeing His power, as displayed in the miracles which He did, and hearing His teaching, they had a glimpse of His glory. Then, at the mount of transfiguration, He was ‘transfigured’ before the very eyes of Peter, James and John. Such was described as “His garments became radiant and exceedingly white, as no launderer on earth can whiten them.”

Such was similar to the episode of Moses and God in Exod. 33:18-23. “Show me your glory” – “no man can see the (full) glory of God and live”. God then showed Moses ‘his hinder part’ – a glimpse of the glory of God. With even just a glimpse of God’s glory, the face of Moses then shined so bright that the people had him put a veil over his face!

Have you ever contemplated and meditated upon what the glory of God is like? Some day, we will be ushered into the very presence of God. Some day, the faithful disciples of Jesus will see His glory. Indeed, what a glorious day that will be. What ever you do, do NOT MISS THIS. Be thou faithful unto death!
