

The Rich Young Ruler – Mark 10

The Rich Young Ruler – Mark 10

First, we get this description of this young man by combining the accounts written by Matthew, Mark, and Luke. He was a man (Mark 10:17), a young man (Matt. 19:20), a ruler over people (Luke 18:18), a man who owned much property and thus is described as a ‘rich man’ (Matt. 19:22-24), an extremely rich man (Luke 18:23),

He was a man who had kept the commandments from his youth (Luke 18:21). Upon hearing that, Jesus loved him (Mark 10:21). Such was NOT ENOUGH! Rather than tell him what he lacked, Jesus let him demonstrate such – both to others and to himself!

The greatest commandment:  “And He said to him, " 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.'” (Matthew 22:37)

This means loving Him more than all the riches of the world, all MY riches, all the young man’s riches. He couldn’t do it! He went away grieving, ‘for he was one who owned much property’.

I do not know how this man’s life played out. Did he later realize what a poor trade he had made? Did he later part with his material wealth that he could find treasure in heaven? Did he persist in his greediness and die alienated from God?

We are not told the answer to such questions, for the story is FOR US! What would you give in exchange for your soul (i.e., the salvation of your soul)?
