

Public Reproof for Public Sin - Gal. 2

Public Reproof for Public Sin - Gal. 2

Galatians can be looked at in a 3 point outline: Paul’s Apostleship Defended (ch. 1-2) [It was revealed unto him, he did NOT learn it from men], Salvation is now found in relationship to Jesus and not to the Law of Moses (ch. 3-4), and instructions on living as a disciple of Jesus (ch. 5-6).

In giving a brief history of his life as a disciple, he bring up his confrontation with Peter. The gospel is for all nations (Matt. 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-20) and disciples should accept each other regardless of ethnic considerations. This point Peter had specifically been instructed on in his episode with converting Cornelius (Acts 10-11). BUT, because of pressure from some Jewish brethren, Peter had gone back and was not willing to accept Gentile believers on the same level as Jewish believers.

Peter’s action being public and well known among the brethren, Paul’s reproof takes place publicly and ‘to Peter’s face’. Such is like the situation in 1Cor. 5. A brother openly was committing sin and the brethren, knowing about it, chose to accept it. Paul chose NOT to accept such and instructed them to publicly, when gathered together, to ‘deliver him unto Satan’ for the destruction of the flesh. So here, publicly and openly Paul rebukes Peter.

This was not just a matter of indifference or personal preferences, but rather this was a public breech of the fundamental universal nature of the church. We are to be ONE in Jesus. As such, we are to accept each other.

There are differences among brethren that we can ‘let slide’, Paul deals with such in Romans 14. But there ARE those differences that require us to respond with reproof and correction. In particular, as in 1 Cor 5, such actions were direct rebellion against the very basic principles of the gospel. As such it perpetrated another gospel, a different teaching. For US, much prayer, study, thought, and love must be behind such! No, there is not a simple list of when such is to be employed.

Peter ACCEPTED SUCH – so it did ‘work’!  [cp. 2 Peter 3:15-16 where he calls Paul his ‘beloved brother’ and acknowledges his apostolic authority.]

Every society, nation, ethnicity seems to have its own prejudices based upon some worldly situation. We have brethren in almost every country in the world. These come from all ethnic backgrounds, as well as social customs, worldly wealth, worldly education levels, etc. Our country has been and IS fraught with such prejudicial mindsets. Yet, in the Lord, we are ONE PEOPLE for, as Paul will go on to state: “you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's descendants, heirs according to promise” (Galatians 3:26-29).

In love, let us receive one another.  
