

Heirs according to THE Promise - Galatians 3

Heirs according to THE Promise - Galatians 3

“And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's descendants, heirs according to promise” (Galatians 3:29).

Of course, this is a BIG ‘if’! Many people have rejected the very premise of this promise! Many have rejected God, Jesus, and the offer of forgiveness! Many others have been deceived and think they are Christ’s when they have never begun the life of discipleship, having refused to believe and be baptized into Christ.

BUT, for those who have put their trust in Jesus to save us from our sin, it is indeed a great promise. This is a promise that goes way back in time. It goes back past the very life of Jesus. It goes back behind the promises of the return from Babylonian captivity. It was there before the giving of the law through Moses. It is the promise that God made unto Abraham, that in HIS SEED ALL NATIONS WOULD BE BLESSED.

Such promise to Abraham was THROUGH the linage of Israel, but fulfilled unto those of EVERY NATION. Gentiles being included in this great promise was said by Paul to be the eternal plan (Eph. 3:6, 11). Now the ‘people of God’ are counted not according to fleshly descendance from Abraham, but according to their spiritual birthright. We have been ‘born again’. We are now children of God and that through Jesus. We are heirs according to the promise – the promise of blessing through Abraham!

Praise God through Jesus, I am BLESSED! Are You?  
