

Restore Such A One – Gal. 6

Restore Such A One – Gal. 6

Love one another, fervently (1 Peter). By love, serve one another (    ).  Let each of us consider the other

Life is often difficult. We get set free from our condemnation and free to be a slave unto God and righteousness when we are baptized into Christ. We rise out of the water of baptism to walk in newness of life. BUT, we also yet have a lot of spiritual, moral, and even physical baggage! Thus this newness of life is a life of change, a life of improvement, a life of struggle.

When I was baptized, I had a job that I began to realize was not fitting for a disciple. Yet, with the job came long-time friends, friends that hindered the very changes I was trying to make. The struggle to keep the friends and change my life was real. Many, who had been disciples a lot longer than me, who had already wandered down this pathway to improvement, some of them had forgotten how real and difficult the struggle was. Our reading today should remind us of the pathway we all are on. It reminds each of us to be aware of our fellow travelers. We need to be helpers – helpers that love one another.

1.     Our brethren often stumble and get caught up in sin.

2.     We that are

3.     Restore – help turn them back to the right path. NEVER forget the goal of such action: it is to help our brother correct his life, to return them to living a righteous and holy life.

4.     Gently – caring, loving, longsuffering, thoughtful.

5.     Wary of SELF. Helping such a brother opens us up to the same temptations and struggles. We too can fall into the same errors.

How are you helping your brethren in their new walk of change? Are you helping? This in itself is a gage of spirituality! Your that ARE spiritual. With the help of God and each other, we will do this! We will be faithful unto death. Be a helper.
