

Saved by the Grace of God

Saved by the Grace of God

When we were DEAD IN SIN, God dealt graciously with us and forgave us. He actually did much more than that (reread chapter 1 – blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Christ!). Such was not done unconditionally. The question often brought up for discussion (I wish I had $1 for every time Eph. 2:8 gets mentions/referenced) is the problem of conditions for such forgiveness. Can God deal graciously while at the same time doing so conditionally? Yes.

What conditions did He reveal?

Yes, one must have faith: faith in God (Heb. 1:1,6) and faith in Jesus (John 8:44). Such faith includes all the statements of His character and nature as well as His instructions and teaching.

One must repent of his sinful life that is being forgiven (this is stated many times such as the Great commission as recorded in Luke 24:44-47, Acts 17:30; 2 Peter 3:9, etc.).

One must publicly confess such faith in Jesus (Romans 10:9-10; Matt. 10:32). One CAN believe without such confession (John 12.42).

One must be baptized. It is part of the process of BECOMING a disciple of Jesus. It is stated that those believing and being baptized are the ones being saved (Mark 16:16-20). In baptism one is said to be made alive and forgiven (Romans 6:3-4; Col. 2:13-15).

People pick and choose WHICH of the above they think are ‘necessary’. Do we have the right to decide for God what conditions we will obey? Does ‘saved by grace’ and ‘not by works’ nullify all other said conditions?

Such is the choice that people have to make today. I choose to obey what ever commands are made by Jesus.
