

Preserving Unity

Preserving Unity

The Spirit has provided that there be unity among God’s people, particularly in the local congregation where most interactions take place. But, Paul stated that “to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift” (vs. 7). In short, we are different. That often brings conflict (or at least friction!). How do I seek to preserve the unity of the Spirit? By being the type of disciple that Jesus has instructed. Paul here lists 4 traits that I must develop.

Humility – the linking correctly of myself and the willingness to think of other’s needs above my own (see also Phil. 2:1-4).

Gentleness – a word that translators find difficult to translate but this is often a good choice. It opposes being harsh. When another disciple is struggling OR has actually done wrong, how do I correct or exhort? I must learn to do it gently in kindness.

Patience – giving others time to produce the needed changes in thought and behavior. We simply grow slowly! Such growth often sees multiple slips and falls. We must get past our ‘1 strike and your out’ attitude.

Love – the very thing Jesus commanded: John 13:34 34 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. Yet, not just to love one another, but to love one another AS JESUS HAS LOVED US.

Such is the application of the 2nd greatest commandment: love your neighbor as yourself. Also the application of the golden rule of treating others as you would have them treat you. Sometimes it is the ‘little’ things about being a disciple that prove difficult!   
