

Abraham Patiently Waited - Hebrews 6

Abraham Patiently Waited - Hebrews 6

Hebrews 6:15 And so, having patiently waited, he obtained the promise.

Such was the summary of the life of Abraham.

Briefly outlining this chapter we see:

·       The exhortation to go on unto maturity – not fall away  1-8

·       The writer is yet Convinced of better things of them FOR they have and ARE still.. but need to show the same diligence unto the end – 9-12

·       He concludes by pointing to the example of Abraham and faithfulness of GOD  13-20

What was the example of Abraham? Patiently waited – obtained the promise. WHAT DID HE DO. Looking ahead to chapter 11 we see:

Heb 11:8 – He obeyed God – ‘not knowing where he was going’ – but it didn’t MATTER for God had SAID and God was LEADING and he TRUSTED GOD.

Heb. 11:9 – LIVED as an alien – It was ‘his land’ for God had given it to him, YET here were all these people living here and ‘claiming it for themselves’. So, Abraham lived as an alien yet trusted that God was faithful and would fulfill His promise – and He did! So Abraham WAITED – waited his whole life – waited TRUSTING GOD.

Heb. 11:17 – when tested, offered up Isaac.

The example of Abraham patiently waited is so much more than the mental assent that God said something, or even that God had done something. It involved his complete TRUST in God, to do whatever God said, even when he didn’t understand or know exactly where this was leading. Do you have the faith of Abraham? Are you trusting and obeying in EVERYTHING? 

Hugh DeLong