

Priesthood of Jesus - Hebrews 7

Priesthood of Jesus - Hebrews 7

The comparison with Melchizedek poses problems according to OUR comparison for we look at the wrong details.

Melchizedek just appears with no historical background and no historical conclusion. Other than the brief historical reference to him in Genesis   , we have no information concerning him. Where did he come from? When did he become a priest? Who anointed him to be a priest? When did he die? When did his priesthood end? So many questions that simply have no historical record to answer them.

Thus, a different comparison is being made than we would normally make.

The priesthood is not based upon GENAOLOGY but upon CHARACTER.

The priesthood was a greater one than the Levitical priesthood later established under the Law.

The priesthood had no ending.

These things are the same with the priesthood of Jesus, but with a few added details. Jesus’ priesthood was not based upon Levitical genaology for He was of the tribe of Judah and not Levi. Jesus’ priesthood by its very  nature is greater: his is based upon a perfect sinless priest, his priesthood is practiced in the very presence of God – in heaven. His priesthood offered up a perfect sacrifice and not the life of an animal but of a sinless human life.  And finally for our comparisons here, his priesthood continues without end because in His resurrected life he lives forever.

THIS is our High Priest! Here is our confidence in the forgiveness of sins through priesthood and sacrifice. It is based upon the sinless life of Jesus, the sacrifice of such life on the cross, and the resurrection to endless life as our High Priest. After some more details, the Hebrew writer can state:

(1) Now the main point in what has been said is this: we have such a high priest, who has taken His seat at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, (2) a minister in the sanctuary and in the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, not man.” (Hebrews 8:1-20).

Thank you Lord.

Hugh DeLong