

A New and Better Covenant

A New and Better Covenant

God has dealt with mankind by making covenants. So He dealt with Noah, Abraham, then Israel, and others. God stipulates what He will do for them and what they will do as people of that covenant. Now, we have a new and better covenant, better than the one He made through Moses with Israel.

It is instructive that this is called the new, 2nd, and better covenant in contrast with that which He had made with Israel (cp. 8:6, 7, 8). Those who were born into and under the 1st covenant did NOT automatically come under this new and better covenant. They were invited and called to enter this new covenant relationship with God, but they were not automatically part. Neither were the Gentiles automatically part of such.

Of course many of the stipulations and requirements of the Old covenant were also included in this New one such as no murdering, no stealing, no idolatry, etc. BUT, there were also differences. Where as only the tribe of Levi participated in the duties and privileges of being priests NOW ALL who are participants in the New covenant are priests and are to offer sacrifices (cp. Heb. 13:15-16, 1 Pet. 2:8-9, etc.)

In this new covenant, God provided for a different temple, a different altar, and different sacrifices. The most important changes was the change from animal sacrifices that were type and pictures of the greater sacrifice of Jesus AND the priesthood of Jesus who could not be a priest under the old covenant. With this change came not only the end of these things mandated under the 1st covenant, but also the establishment of new and better things.

What WE need to grasp the greatness of this new covenant and the greatness of our privileges to be partakers of this new and better relationship. We are God’s people as we enter into this new relationship with Jesus as our savior, high priest, sacrifice, and mediator. We also took upon ourselves the responsibilities associated with this covenant. In particular and broadly – the responsibilities of holiness and faithfulness unto God. Those were ALSO stipulated as responsibilities under the 1st covenant, but have been reiterated upon US, those who have committed ourselves to God through such covenant. We are God’s people, we are DIFFERENT, let us be faithful to God in this.

Hugh DeLong