

Applying The New Transition - #2

Applying The New Transition - #2

We, by the grace of God, are now ‘new creatures’ having been baptized into Christ and raised up, made alive unto God, and forgiven. We have set our hearts upon things above and now consider ourselves dead to worldly fleshly lusts. So, what are we NOW like? What are we now DOING? How are we living?

We are DEVOTED to prayer (vs. 2-4).

We are considering our conduct as seen by unbelievers (vs. 5)

Our speech is now gracious as we respond to people (vs. 6)

It is interesting that WE are now instruments of God’s grace unto others by ourselves BEING GRACIOUS towards them, even as God is and has been, and has been towards us! In such graciousness we are to grow (2 Peter 3:18).

Before you respond, before you speak, before you act – CONSIDER! THINK! How does this reflect upon God? Does this glorify Him? Or does this betray my new relationship? THINK!


Hugh DeLong