

Reading Luke

Reading Luke

Having studied Paul’s letter to the Colossians and seeing the pattern of the transition that has taken place in our lives because of our relationship in trusting Jesus as our Savior, Messiah, King, and Lord, we now read the story about Jesus. What was he Like? How did he get here? How did He live, think, act? He is now my example and pattern in my thinking and conduct. I am being transformed into the very image of God’s son – and here we can read, study, memorize, and put into action in our living.

After 400 years of NOT sending prophets and instructing, encouraging, reproving the people of Israel, all of a sudden God ACTS! And boy, does He! The birth of Jesus is punctuated by many appearances and actions of God’s angels! Then John the Baptist arrives in the very spirit and power of Elijah of old. Jesus then begins his short but stunning preaching and teaching. The Father providing PROOF of His Sonship and Messiahship by many miracles done publicly among the people.

Jesus is different! Although he is ‘one of us’, fully human and tested in all aspects like as us (Heb.   ), He demonstrates what manner of humans we OUGHT to be in our relationship with God. Although He lived under the old covenant, the law of Moses given unto Israel, He fulfills all of its demands, types, and prophecies and reveals a NEW COVENANT in which we live.

I hope that in your reading you can see and feel the excitement that all of this would have been felt by those in the 1st century! I hope that it is so exciting that reading one chapter just isn’t enough! What is He going to do next??? So, take up your bible and READ.  

Hugh DeLong