

They Left All And Followed Him

They Left All And Followed Him

Here in Luke 5, when Jesus encounters these fishermen, they ”left everything and followed Him”. I think it is important to not that this is not the first time P,J,J (and Andrew?) had encountered Jesus.

Using Mark Moore’s “The Chronological Life of Christ” the following timeline can be made: “This event is part of what is called the Galilean Ministry, dated Dec. 27 - April 29. BUT before that:

·       1st encounter – John 1:35-51

·       Wedding feast – John 2:1-5 ‘disciples’ were with him…

·       6 disciples with Jesus in Capernaum – John 2:12

·       With Jesus in Jerusalem – John 2:13-22 cleansing the temple

·       Then the whole Judean ministry – lasting some 8 or 9 months – which would be placed in Matt. 4:11 and 12. Cp. Luke 4:13-14 –

·       Jesus came to Jerusalem for the Passover (Jn 2:13, about April)

·       and stayed until four months before harvest (Jn 4:35).

·       During this time Jesus cleansed the temple (Jn 2:13–22),

·       performed many miracles (Jn 2:23; 3:2),

·       and baptized disciples (Jn 3:23).

·       Disciples return thru Samaria with Jesus – John 4:5-38

·       The fields ripe unto harvest - 4:27-38

·       Hence Jesus knows them by name (Lk. 5:4), Peter calls him ‘Master” – Luke 5:5.”

This only adds more substance to our faith in that having spent time with Jesus, the YET and with even more conviction were willing to ‘leave all and follow him”. So, I can have confidence to crucify my old man, and being raised to walk in newness of life, ‘obey Him in all things.”  

Hugh DeLong