Limited Commission - Luke 10
Limited Commission - Luke 10
Jesus’ agenda was rather local and restricted. Although He would become king of kings and Lord of lords and have authority over all of heaven and earth, His earthly work was among the Jews in Judea and Galilee.
So, having himself preached in many parts, he sent out his chosen apostles, and now chose 70 others and sent them out with HIS message. His announcement of the arrival of the Kingdom of God was being disseminated throughout the Jewish local.
BUT, these preachers were limited by His commission here. A good study for you to make is to compare the two and note the differences. Many of these limitations were restricted as we can see in the implementation of the great commission by the apostles in Acts.
Yet, the parable of the sower looms in the background of all preaching, including this. The sowers are going out and sowing the Word of God, but the soil is going to produce different crops! It is too easy for us to picture this spreading of Jesus’ message to His individual preaching! The message had a larger audience than that. Without the internet and Social media, His message of the Kingdom is spreading throughout the land.
His agenda though included the cross! The victory of the kingdom of God comes through the cross. And this message of the cross is not taking up the sword and beginning an earthly, material war (cp. 2 Cor. 10:3-6). On a personal level, it requires the sacrifice of ME – myself – the crucifying of my ways. The war is engaged in one person at a time! Such always involves personal application FIRST, and then the sharing of the message – the teachings of Jesus – the Word of God.
How are you doing in the application? It is only when we first apply the discipleship message of Jesus that we become lights unto the world. Let us brighten up!
Hugh DeLong