

Luke 14 - Rejecting God

Luke 14 - Rejecting God

Upon hearing Jesus’ teaching the people remarked how blessed it will be for those who ‘shall eat bread in the kingdom of God.” Indeed, it will be! Jesus then sets forth the problem that people face in choosing to be part of God’s kingdom – He tells them a parable! A story that is intended to make them think: to think about their relationship to God, to think about God’s teaching, to think about their relationship with God.

The parable is of the great supper provided and the invitation to come and partake. God has provided for all to come, but even then, as now, people TURN DOWN the invitation making excuses. Such excuses revolved around worldly things and activities which they held to be more important!

“I need to check out my earthly property’. I need to check out my oxen. I just got married and need to be with my wife. And with such worldly excuses they refused to partake of the provided feast!

What would a man give in exchange for his soul? (cp. Matt. 16:26). In this parable, they exchanged the great provisions of God for earthly, temporary things. If you just look you will see that people will in fact ‘sell their soul’ for very little! Even if it was for a great sum, such is only temporary!

And you? What excuses are you offering for not serving God? What can you do to be a better servant?  

Hugh DeLong