

He Receives Sinners - Luke 15

He Receives Sinners - Luke 15

That doesn’t seem like a big problem to US, but in the 1st century Roman / Jewish world in which Jesus lived it WAS a big deal. The whole society was VERY class conscious. While they seem to have little prejudice concerning race, they had a very big prejudice concerning ‘class’. Sharing a meal was considered the acknowledgment of the person and accepting him ‘as in the same’, or at least acceptable, class.

Thus, as we constantly read of Jesus ‘eating with’ various people, that was more than just having lunch with someone as we do today. It held ‘real’ social implications. To eat with sinners? To receive them? To acknowledge them of being of the same social ‘worth’? But that is what Jesus did. ALL people are in the image of God. ALL people have (are) spirits and are accountable unto God. ALL people can be godly and in a right relationship with God. Even women! (another social distinction that Jesus ignored.)

The one ‘class’ that was strongly looked down upon were the Samaritans because of the history of how they were a mix of Jewish and Gentile heritage. Even here, as Luke particularly mentions, Jesus not only ‘talked to’ but would ‘eat with’ and accept them.

EVEN SINNERS! Today, Bible readers recognize, at least outwardly, that ALL that have reached an age of accountability have sinned. It is good for us, for ME, that He did and does ‘accept’ sinners! All who are accepted are then expected / required to begin growing in holiness, but they were received by Jesus. Yet, among men, we continue to make distinctions and refuse to accept various peoples on ever-changing man-made ‘standards.’

In our relationship with God through Jesus, there is neither Jew nor Greek, bond or free, male or female, for as many as have believed and been baptized have become children of God and are now His people. Question to be asked: Are you one of God’s children?    

Hugh DeLong