

Being Arrogant Towards God - Luke 18

Being Arrogant Towards God - Luke 18

Immediately following His teaching us that God will indeed hear the prayers of His people, Jesus tells the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican (Luke 18:9-14). First, note that though the title speaks of the ‘publican’ (NOT Republican!), vs. 13 clarifies this for us in that he was a tax-collector, a collector for the Roman empire! The enemy of Jewish people.

The first man mentioned though is a Pharisee – a ‘separated one’, one ‘known’ for his scrupulousness in law-keeping. Such was not wrong in itself, in fact, people OUGHT to keep ALL of the things that God commands (cp. Matt. 23:    these your should have done and NOT left off the others!). The problem is that such ‘doing’ often develops and attitude of arrogancy, a ‘better-than-thou” attitude. Here, in sight of this publican, the Pharisee ‘confessed’ that he was glad, glad he wasn’t ‘like this tax collector’. But he WAS – they both were sinners! They both had sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. They both stood in the place of NEEDING God’s mercy and forgiveness.

It was the lowly publican who confessed: “I am a sinner!” He was so painfully aware of such that he would not even lift his eyes towards heaven. It was THIS man that went away justified – in a ‘right relationship with God’.

God gave us memories and part of that is simply that we would remember who we WERE and who we now ARE. I AM a child of God, I was an unthankful rebellious sinner. But, like the Corinthians (see Acts 18:8; 1 Cor. 6:  ), I too was washed, sanctified, and justified. Believing the gospel and being baptized into Christ, I became a child of God by the mercy, kindness, and grace of God. Thank the Lord!

And you? What is your story?   

Hugh DeLong