

Jesus and Money Again - Luke 21

Jesus and Money Again - Luke 21

It is fascinating to me how often Jesus talked about our worldly possessions, especially money. Such were NOT a ‘how to get rich’ talks! In fact, looking to Jesus as an example of the right attitude towards such worldly possessions is almost troubling for us. We NEED some – food and clothing, but Jesus consistently warned about our attitudes towards such ‘possessions’. They are NOT our life (Luke 12:15). They are deceitful and can draw us away from our faithfulness to God (Luke 8:14). While he did tell the rich young ruler to sell all his possessions and give it to the poor, such was not a universal command of discipleships as we read of SOME rich disciples (1 Tim. 6:17-18). If you have never done this, make a list of all the times Jesus addressed our relationship with such money and worldly possessions! You will learn far more from making your own list than looking at one that I make!

A short lesson is here with the poor widow. Sharing what we have is dependent upon WHAT WE HAVE, and is thus acceptable according to what we have (2 Cor. 8:12). Even in her poverty, she was willing to share it with others. She gave out of her very livelihood. With such, Jesus could declare that she gave more than all the others, especially those who were blessed with riches and possessions for they gave a portion out of their abundance. Such giving doesn’t hurt (except in a greedy person’s heart!). A similar example can be found in 2 Corinthians 8 and the brethren of Macedonia who also were in a state of deep poverty, but they abundantly shared what they had for the famine-stricken brethren elsewhere.

HOW can anyone have such a mindset to share? They FIRST GAVE THEMSELVES TO THE LORD. This sends us back to the greatest commandment: Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, mind, soul, and power. With SUCH love, sharing worldly possessions is easy. The hard part is growing to this point in our love for God.

Upon examining your use of your worldly possessions, how would you assess your love for God? Be honest!  

Hugh DeLong