

Things We Learn In Acts 8

Things We Learn In Acts 8

SO many things to notice in this chapter! Go ahead and spend a few days studying it!

Preaching THE WORD = (the story of the life, death, resurrection, glory of Jesus AND its consequential obligations).

Such message was CONFIRMED by the miracles. While such involved the specific restoration of health to individuals, the purpose was the confirmation that this message was from God. (cp. Heb. 2:1-4, Matt. 28:18-20, etc.).

When believed, people were baptized, baptized ‘in the name of Jesus’; just as commanded by the great commission and illustrated already in Acts 2:36-41. Yet, such being ‘simply baptized’ did NOT include the receiving of the Spirit, hence it was a baptism in water –

cp. Acts 10:47-48 where the command to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ was specifically linked with water.

After believing, Simon sinned and this second state was a ‘heart issue‘, and a state of condemnation.

Such state of condemnation yet had a way of escape – repentance and prayer!

We learn that the miraculous powers to perform various miracles was given thru the laying on of the apostles’ hands.

THEN we have the story of the Ethiopian nobleman. Preaching Christ caused him to desire being baptized – right then. SUCH is still true today!

What other principles and aspects of the gospel do you find here? The disciple went everywhere, preaching the good news about Jesus, those that received this preaching (believed), were immediately baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Such included the promised that they would ‘be saved’ (Mark 16:16-20), and so they were – and so can people today! 

Hugh DeLong