

Romans 2 - The Transition

Romans 2 - The Transition

In reading Romans, it is needful to try to comprehend the larger contexts of the sections as Paul develops his point.

Ch. 1 -  the gospel is the power of God unto salvation – saving people from SIN

Ch. 1 – the Gentiles sinned, not even living by the knowledge they had.

Ch. 2 – ?

Ch. 3 – the Jewish people, although they had a revelation  from God, they sinned.

Ch. 3 – Jesus came to provide salvation from sins for both Gentiles and Jews.


Chapter two then bridges the thoughts of the Gentiles being lost because of their sin, and the Jews being lost because of their sin. This bridge hold two main points.


God is without respect of persons (2:11). He is a God of truth and His judgment will be according to truth.


Thus, knowing that God condemns the Gentiles for sin, we can know that He will also condemn the Jews if they sin. Although what they knew and what they were then accountable for was different, the judgment of truth against sin would be consistent.


How did the Jewish people do? This begins the last part of chapter 2: they sinned, not keeping the law that had been revealed unto them. It wasn’t ‘having’ the law that made one right, it was the ‘doing’. As God had revealed unto them many years before: “The soul that sins, it shall die” (Ezek. 18:20). Paul concludes then that ‘ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God’. THUS, all are lost in sin and need the answer provided in the Gospel.


This thought leads straight into chapter 3. In fact, such chapter breaks often obscure the actual progression of thought. This sets us up for the great section of Romans 3:   JESUS!


In your reading, keep in mind that these first 3 chapters are a unit. Go back to our beginning and fill in the two points of chapter 2 and see this development.They build upon one another, they lead us step by step to our need of forgiveness that is provided in Jesus. Are you trusting Jesus?  

Hugh DeLong


ADDED outline on Judgement, Truth, and Sin

 God’s Judgment principles

·      Wrath of God ONLY against SIN And ALWAYS against SIN - Romans 1:18

Chapter 2

Vs. 11 - No Respect of Persons

Vs. 2 - According to TRUTH (NASB95 footnote!)

Vs. 5 - Righteous

Vs. 6 – Universal -- Every man

Vs. 6 - According to deeds

Vs. 16 - Complete: The secrets of men

Vs. 5 - Result: Wrath of God