

Romans 11

Romans 11

This is a chapter with several main and important points. Instead of a normal article, I want to give the major divisions with some short comments to let you read the text and come to a better understanding. 

God’s true Israel the remnant of Grace - 1-6

God has NOT rejected Israel BECAUSE they are Israel. (cp ch. 10 - THE unbelieving among Israel had rejected GOD by rejecting the messiah - Jesus.) 

There has ALWAYS been but a remnant of true believers among Israel. 

Unbelieving Israel Has Been Hardened - 7-10

When one rejects the evidence that God provides, his heart becomes hardened in unbelief and disobedience. 

So it was with Israel - the more they rejected, the more stubborn in their unbelief they became.

AS with the Gentiles.. God gave them over [cp. Chapter 1] …..  so with Israel..

AGAIN - the message had been presented, the Messiah had come and been confirmed, 

The Hardening of Unbelieving Israel becomes a blessing for BOTH the Gentiles and the Jews  11-16

With such hardening, the message was then preached to the Gentiles. 

Although it was to the Jew first, and also the Gentile - it began to have more and more influence among the Gentiles.

Israel didn’t ‘fall completely’, they could yet be saved. HOWEVER, the salvation of the Messiah is always individual, one by one that believe. 

The Olive Tree Metaphor - 17-24

The cultivated tree - the seed of Abraham. God planted, God nurtured. YET, many of the branches were unfruitful and were broken off. These were the unbelieving among Israel - broken off for unbelief (vs. 20). 

The ‘wild tree’ was non-Israel. They did not have the blessings that God had given Israel, Yet when they heard the gospel message they believed, obeyed, and were grafted into the faithful tree.  [If you are Christ’s, then are you Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise (Gal. 3:29). Abraham is your father if you walk in the steps of Abraham (Rom. 4:11-12, 16). 

The broken off branches CAN be grafted back in - if they continue NOT in unbelief. Unbelievers CAN change.

The grafted in wild branches CAN be broken off - if they do not continue in BELIEF. Believers CAN change. 

God’s Plan For Israel’s Salvation   25-32

“In this way” (ESV), “and so” [an adverb of manner] (NRSV, NIV, NASB). The point, is that in THIS way (believing the gospel) ALL Israel will be saved. That is, ALL of Israel that believe will be saved. He makes several points, all of which happened with the coming of Jesus the first time:

The deliverer will come from ZION - Jesus DID.

He will remove ungodliness from Jacob - Jesus DID.

This is my covenant with them - Jesus IS the mediator of the NEW COVENANT

When I take away their sins - Jesus DID this for all who obey the gospel.

Conclusion: God has shut up ALL in disobedience (cp. Rom. 3:23 again) so that He may show mercy to ALL (the power to save ALL who believe - Rom. 1:16).

Doxology: God’s Way is Right  33-36

A ‘doxology’ is a ‘study’ [ology] in the Glory [doxos] of God. God is glorified.

Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who became His counselor? Or who has first given to Him that it might be paid back to him again? For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.

 I would simply add - Amen.

Hugh DeLong