

Preaching to the Thessalonians

Preaching to the Thessalonians

Let me depart from writing an article and instead just present an outline of thought. As I was reading chapter two it struck me how personal this chapter was. In it we see the very heart of Paul as a preacher. This chapter speaks volumes on the attitudes and conduct that should be at the heart of every preacher. 

First, look at the integrity of their preaching and conduct.

·       Speak to please God, not man ..  4

·       NOT appeal from error, impurity, or attempt to deceive 3

·       No words of flattery 5

·       No pretext for greed 5

·       Not seek glory from people 6

·       NOT make demands (even legitimate ones) 6

o   cp. 9 - worked at making tents so as not to be a burden to them… 

·       Holy, righteous, and blameless in conduct towards them 10

Then observe his attitude towards them as people; he showed true love in that he sought their best interests in his dealings with them. 

·       Affectionately desirous of YOU - 8

·       Considered THEM to be HIS hope, joy, crown of boasting, glory and joy!  19-20

·       Gentle - like a mother … 7

·       Like A Father - 11-12

o   exhorted, encouraged, charged - 

o   TO walk in a manner worthy of God !

·       Did not ‘leave’, but was torn away - 17

o   desire to see them again .. 

All I can say is that a lot of us preachers could probably use an attitude adjustment. How would your respond to such a preacher? 

Hugh DeLong