

Who is the greatest? - Matthew 18

Who is the greatest? - Matthew 18

I am important. The whole world revolves around ME. If it isn't about ME, then it isn't of any real importance. Such is often the nature of self-awareness. This creates so much strife, pain, and hard feelings. People tend to be more like Diatrophese than Jesus! (Cp. 3 John 9). We tend to desire honor, glory, and position rather than serving God by serving others. We love to be first.

Jesus has a simple answer: the greatest among mankind is he who serves others. The followers of Jesus are to consider others of more importance than themselves (Phil. 2:3). Paul suffered for the sake of others. Paul could say concerning Timothy: "I have no one else like him, who takes a genuine interest in your welfare. 21 For everyone looks out for his own interests, not those of Jesus Christ" (Phil. 2:20-21). Epaphroditus "almost died for the work of Christ, risking his life to make up for the help you could not give" Paul (Phil. 2:30).  Then there is the great example of Jesus who came NOT to BE served but to serve.

What keeps us from following in these footsteps? Pride. IF I act like a servant, PEOPLE will think that I am a servant. Well, that IS what we are! A favorite song among us today is "the servant song" – "make me a servant, just like your son". Such is the path to greatness WITH God. Two questions: WHO did you serve today? WHAT did you do?  

Hugh DeLong