

He Cares For You - 1 Peter 5:5 to 11

He Cares For You - 1 Peter 5:5 to 11

Read again 1Peter 5:5-11. Here are some outline points that I connect with this passage.

We live in this world and WILL have tribulation, suffering, and temptations.

·       Suffering has been an underlying theme in this letter.

·       Suffering and tribulation AS DISCIPLES part of not only this letter, but often stated in other NT books.

·       It is not a question of IF, but rather how we respond to such that being dealt with.

Satan is the ultimate enemy.

·       Our Adversary the Devil

The Devil – Greek = ‘diabolos’ - slanderer

476 ντίδικος [antidikos /an·tid·ee·kos/] n m. From 473 and 1349; TDNT 1:373; TDNTA 62; GK 508; Five occurrences; AV translates as “adversary” five times. 1 opponent. 1a an opponent in a suit of law. 1b an adversary, enemy.   Strongs Lexicon

There are five uses of this word in the NT. It is interesting that its basic meaning of ‘opponent in a law situation’ is found in 4 out of the 5 uses of this word: Matt. 5:25 [twice]; Luke 12:58; Luke 18:3. As seen in the episode of Job, Satan is our accuser before God. But we have as our counsellor and advocate Jesus, who ever lives to make intercession for us.

·       While powerful CAN BE and MUST BE resisted.


·       We not only love Him, but he loves and cares for us! (Greatest love – Matt. 22:37-38; Deut. 6:5 )

·       He will perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you (10).

Our living out this threefold story involves actions and attitudes on our part.

·       Love God.

·       Resist the Devil (and the temptations he brings)

·       KNOWING (vs. 9) – the common theme concerning such.

·       TRUST – casing cares upon, He if FAITHFUL to His promises.

·       He will perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish HIS PEOPLE (you).

·       Sober and alert in our living out our discipleship.

Hugh DeLong

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