There Will Be Delay No Longer
There Will Be Delay No Longer
We have read about the 7 Trumpets and their warning to the people of the world. Now, John hears 7 peals of thunder ‘that spoke’ to him. He is now forbidden to write them down because there will be no more delay concerning God’s judgments.
One of the things that you learn is that God was not only fair but long suffering towards the world of sinners. He warned them before declaring judgment upon them. He then gave them time to repent, even as seen in Rev. 2:21 and ‘Jezebel’. BUT, as the old hymn says: There is a line that is crossed…! Judgment will not be delayed any longer.
As you can see, there are yet 12 more chapters! As with God’s judgments upon the various churches, such were not the final day of judgment and condemnation. Yet God does sit in judgment upon peoples and nations. We have witnessed this time and again throughout the Old Testament as He brought judgment and destruction upon kingdoms – the Canaanites, the Ammonites, the Syrians, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, and even Israel and Judah.
In all of such judgments, those that were righteous and godly, such as Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc., they suffered in such judgments. NOT as punishment for their sins, but simply because they were part of the nation that was being judged. So it is with Christians that lived in the country that was judged by God. So it may well be with us. Kingdoms ARE judged. Ours WILL be at some point.
Can you survive and remain faithful to God during such? Can you trust that the destruction going on around you is NOT God’s wrath against YOU personally? The book of Revelation can be a source of comfort and strength during such time.
Be though faithful unto death and you shall receive the crown of life! Will you prove to be faithful?
Hugh DeLong