

Mark 13 - The Difficult Chapter

Mark 13 - The Difficult Chapter

The difficulty of this chapter can be seen in the way it has been understood by prominent Bible students. The problem centers on how to DIVIDE the chapter as Jesus answers their questions.

·        Some, the whole chapter is about the destruction of Jerusalem.

·        Some, the chapter shifts back and forth, sometimes in the middle of the verse/sentence.

·        Some, split the chapter into two answers – but WHERE it is split is answered differently.

There may be many more such divisions. Thus this ‘article’ is more of a study guide to help you in your understanding.

My suggestions:

·        Questions –  1-4

·        1st Answer – 5-30

·        DIVIDING VERSE - 31

·        2nd Answer – 32-33

·        Overall Exhortation to Watchfulness and being alert.  34-37

Things that I think need to have attention paid to them to determine context and decide on meaning of text:

·        A side by side study of Matt 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13.

·        The ‘us’ (vs. 4), ‘them’ vs. 5), ‘you’ – (vs. 5, 7, 23, etc.)

·        Those days – 19, 20, 23

·        ‘at that time’ – 26

·        Mark’s use of ‘these things’ – 29

·        Mark’s use of the phrase ‘this generation’ – vs. 30 (also study in Matthew).

·        apostles – or ME (i.e., this then would have applied to each reading since the time of Mark’s writing) – and thus would have had little if any application to the apostles and the 1st century readers.

He foretold the distress and destruction that came with the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, He foretold that His words would not fail, He exhorted them to prayer during such difficult times, He promised that God would be in control, He exhorted them to watchfulness and being alert knowing what He has foretold. 

SO some exhortations(33)  33 "Take heed, keep on the alert; for you do not know when the appointed time will come. And (35) 35 "Therefore, be on the alert—for you do not know when the master of the house is coming, whether in the evening, at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or in the morning— and (37) 37 "What I say to you I say to all, 'Be on the alert!'"   

Hugh DeLong