

Ephesians 3 - The Revelation of God's Will

Ephesians 3 - The Revelation of God's Will

Personal letters are often difficult to ‘outline’ as thoughts are presented in a ‘linier’ format and not in a logical outlined structure. Such is true

What Paul learned about Jesus and discipleship in Him, He learned by revelation. This knowledge he wrote down and because such was preserved we today can read, know, and understand his knowledge of the good news (vs. 1-6). Specifically, that the Gentiles are now of the same body and same blessings as the Jewish brethren in Christ. This was not revealed as clearly as it is now, although the idea was presented: God would save all believers by the sacrifice of His son – all believers of all nations and social positions. Such was to result in our being “to Him be the glory in the church in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen”.

This is the message that Paul presented in his preaching. Through such preaching Paul brought to light the manifold (many-sided) wisdom of God, not just to us, but to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

Such salvation results in ONE BODY of believers – one church in Christ. Such was created to the glory of God. Such was the eternal purpose of God for mankind. Paul then prays that we can begin to comprehend this glorious thought! This is presented in the second great prayer of Ephesians (1st – Eph. 1:    and the 2nd here in 3:13-21).

Are you living to the glory of God as a member of this church of (that belongs to) Christ? 

Hugh DeLong