

You Shall Teach Them Diligently

You Shall Teach Them Diligently

Education is a prevalent topic right now in our country. Parents want to ensure their children get the best education possible. They are not leaving it up to someone else; they are taking responsibility for it. Did you know God expects parents to be just as involved in their children’s religious education?

God in Deut. 6:4 instructed parents to teach the law of God “diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lied down and when you rise up.” The New Testament also emphasizes the importance of parents raising their children in the fear and instruction of the Lord (Eph. 6:4).

What should parents teach their children? We could suggest a lot, but here are a few to start. Knowledge of God’s work (Gen. 1:1). The authority of God’s word and its effects (Deut. 30:10-20). The importance and reasons behind our religious practices (Ex. 12:26-27).

God has given parents this great opportunity and responsibility to instill in their children a knowledge of God. Others can assist, but this responsibility cannot be abdicated. The Scriptures have shown us time and time again when this responsibility is not taken seriously (Judges 2:10, 3:7).

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