

Facts About Our Temptations

Facts About Our Temptations

Facts About Our Temptations

Brenden Ashby

Knowledge is power. This is no less true when it comes to facing our temptations. In 1 Corinthians 10:13, Paul informs the Corinthians, and us, of four vital facts they need to know about how to overcome temptations when they come.

The first thing Paul tells us is that temptations happen to everyone. Sometimes we mistakenly think we are the only ones dealing with temptation. After all, we never see anyone else struggle. However, that is not the case. Every Christian does and will and encounter temptation.

Secondly, Paul reminds us that God is faithful. There can be many reasons why Paul reminds us of God’s faithfulness, but one reason is that we don’t always defeat our temptations. God is faithful even when we are not, and stands ready to forgive us when we repent.

Even though we may fail at times to defeat our temptations, Paul wants us to know that we can, in fact, overcome them! He says our temptations are “common to man.”  Common in that temptation follows a predictable pattern that can be learned and defeated.

Finally, we are reminded that part of God’s faithfulness is that God provides a way to escape our temptations. God is with us, helping and strengthening us while we face our temptations. He wants us to succeed in our fight against sin!

Having been armed with this knowledge about our temptations let us use it in our fight against them.


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