
Building On The Rock
Building On The Rock
Brenden Ashby
Jesus ends the Sermon on the Mount with a picture. If we hear and obey Jesus’ words, we will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. A good foundation is essential in building a home, but the quality of the house built on that foundation is equally important. Looking at Jesus' whole sermon, we want to ask what things Jesus wants us to build from His words.
We are to build godly character. Jesus begins His sermon by describing what a godly character looks like. The Beatitudes describe the traits of a godly character we should strive for, reflecting Jesus' character
We are also to build true devotion. Jesus moves on from character to how we can have a true devotion to God. Many in Jesus' day and today use religion to elevate themselves. We are reminded to build true devotion by ensuring our motivation is to be seen and heard by God. If we prioritize God, our reward will be in heaven and not in the praises of men.
As we build godly character and true devotion, we will also find that we are building perseverance. Jesus is transparent about His path being narrow and difficult. Perseverance is needed to stay on the narrow path. When we embrace the journey of building a life on Jesus' words, we will build the needed perseverance to reach the end of that journey.