
You Can Overcome Sin
You CAN Overcome Sin
Brenden Ashby
Mindset is everything. Show me someone who believes they can do something, and I’ll show you someone who is halfway to achieving their goal. We need to have a “can-do” attitude when it comes to overcoming sin in our lives.
Many believers suffer from a defeatist attitude when fighting sin in their lives. They have an unbalanced view of what God has said about them. The defeatist-minded person often quotes Romans 3:23 to show how we all are hopeless sinners. But is this the whole picture?
God says that every believer is a “conqueror” (Rom. 8:37) and that we can “endure” trials and temptations (Jas. 1:12). God has also promised that He provides an escape from our temptations (1 Cor. 10:13) and that He knows how to rescue us from our trials (2 Pet. 2:9). The big question is, do we believe this?
Yes, sin is a reality, and temptation is constant. However, we must recognize that there is never a situation in which we MUST sin (1 Jn. 2:1). God says we are capable of resisting temptation and are victors in our fight against sin. All of this is true because we have Christ living in us (Gal. 2:20). He is our strength and way of escape.