
Abounding Love
Abounding Love
Brenden Ashby
We read in Philippians 1:9 that Paul prayed for the Philippians “Love may abound still more and more in knowledge and discernment.” This is a directed love that has tangible results in our lives. Paul outlines three specific results we can expect if we abound in true Biblical love.
The first result of having an abounding love is that we would approve of excellent things (v.10a). As Paul wrote elsewhere, true biblical love rejoices in truth and not in unrighteousness. If we are rejoicing in and approving of what is good, pure, lovely, etc. (Phil. 4:8) then we are abounding in love.
Paul also says that to abound in love is to have a purer character (vv.10-11a). Paul notes that if are full of love then we will be “filled with the fruits of righteousness” (v.11) and that we will be “sincere and without offense till the day of Christ” (v.10).
Finally, we see that to abound in love is to live to the glory of God. God is love, and we are most like our Father when we abound in love. When we are most like God, we most glorify Him (v.11b).