Sermon Files

Sermon Files

Displaying 951 - 975 of 1118

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
09/09/12 Lord's Supper Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun AM 2012-09-09-am_lordssupper.pdf 2012-09-09-am_lordssupper.ppt 2012-09-09-am_lordssupper.mp3
09/09/12 Jude Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun PM 2012-09-09-pm_jude.ppt 2012-09-09-pm_jude.pdf 2012-09-09-pm_jude.mp3
09/02/12 Continue Steadfast in the Apostle's Doctrine Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun AM 2012-09-02-am_continuesteadfastintheapostlesdoctrine.ppt 2012-09-02-am_continuesteadfastintheapostlesdoctrine.pdf 2012-09-02-am_continuesteadfastintheapostlesdoctrine.mp3
09/02/12 Reincarnation Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun PM 2012-09-02-pm_reincarnation.ppt 2012-09-02-pm_reincarnation.mp3 2012-09-02-pm_reincarnation.pdf
08/26/12 It Is Written Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun AM 2012-08-26-am_itiswritten.ppt 2012-08-26-am_itiswritten.pdf 2012-08-26-am_itiswritten.mp3
08/26/12 Sound Teaching Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun PM 2012-08-26-pm_soundteaching.ppt 2012-08-26-pm_soundteaching.pdf 2012-08-26-pm_soundteaching.mp3
08/19/12 According to the Pattern Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun AM 2012-08-19-am_accordingtothepattern.mp3 2012-08-19-am_accordingtothepattern.pdf 2012-08-19-am_accordingtothepattern.ppt
08/19/12 Flee the Wrath to Come Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun PM 2012-08-19-pm_fleethewrathtocome.ppt 2012-08-19-pm_fleethewrathtocome.pdf 2012-08-19-pm_fleethewrathtocome.mp3
08/12/12 Dealing with Sin Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun AM 2012-08-12-am_dealingwithsin.ppt 2012-08-12-am_dealingwithsin.pdf 2012-08-12-am_dealingwithsin.mp3
08/12/12 Peter and Persecution Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun PM 2012-08-12-pm_peterandpersecution.pdf 2012-08-12-pm_peterandpersecution.mp3 2012-08-12-pm_peterandpersecution.ppt
08/05/12 We Are In A War Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun AM 2012-08-05-am_weareinawar.ppt 2012-08-05-am_weareinawar.pdf 2012-08-05-am_weareinawar.mp3
08/05/12 Interpretation of 1 John Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun PM 2012-08-05-pm_interpretationof1john.ppt 2012-08-05-pm_interpretationof1john.pdf 2012-08-05-pm_interpretationof1john.mp3
07/29/12 Toleration and Truth Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun AM 2012-07-29-am_tolerationandtruth.pdf 2012-07-29-am_tolerationandtruth.ppt 2012-07-29-am_tolerationandtruth.mp3
07/29/12 God's Wisdom Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun PM 2012-07-29-pm_godswisdom.ppt 2012-07-29-pm_godswisdom.pdf 2012-07-29-pm_godswisdom.mp3
07/15/12 The Power of God's Word Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun AM 2012-07-15-am_powerofgodsword.ppt 2012-07-15-am_powerofgodsword.pdf 2012-07-15-am_powerofgodsword.mp3
07/15/12 The Apostle's Testimony Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun PM 2012-07-15-pm_apostlestestimony.ppt 2012-07-15-pm_apostlestestimony.mp3 2012-07-15-pm_apostlestestimony.pdf
07/01/12 Church of Jesus Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun AM 2012-07-01-am_churchofjesus.ppt 2012-07-01-am_churchofjesus.pdf 2012-07-01-am_churchofjesus.mp3
06/24/12 Psalm 42 Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun AM 2012-06-24-am_psalm42.mp3
06/24/12 Traditions Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun PM 2012-06-24-pm_traditions.ppt 2012-06-24-pm_traditions.pdf 2012-06-24-pm_traditions.mp3
06/17/12 Blessed are the Pure in Heart Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun AM 2012-06-17-am_blessedarethepureinheart.mp3 2012-06-17-am_blessedarethepureinheart.pdf 2012-06-17-am_blessedarethepureinheart.ppt
06/17/12 How Can Man be Right with God? Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun PM 2012-06-17-pm_howcanmanberightwithman.ppt 2012-06-17-pm_howcanmanberightwithman.pdf 2012-06-17-pm_howcanmanberightwithman.mp3
06/10/12 God is Worthy Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun AM 2012-06-10-am_godisworthy.ppt 2012-06-10-am_godisworthy.pdf 2012-06-10-am_godisworthy.mp3
06/10/12 Marriage Principles Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun PM 2012-06-10-pm_marriageprinciples.pdf 2012-06-10-pm_marriageprinciples.mp3 2012-06-10-pm_marriageprinciples.ppt
06/03/12 10 Tips for Bible Study Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun AM 2012-06-03-am_10tipsforbiblestudy.ppt 2012-06-03-am_10tipsforbiblestudy.pdf 2012-06-03-am_10tipsforbiblestudy.mp3
06/03/12 Worship God by Serving Brethren Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun PM 2012-06-03-pm_worshipgodbyservingbrethren.ppt 2012-06-03-pm_worshipgodbyservingbrethren.pdf 2012-06-03-pm_worshipgodbyservingbrethren.mp3

Displaying 951 - 975 of 1118

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