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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
01/05/14 Children of God Hugh DeLong N/A Sun AM 2014-01-05-am_childrenofgod.ppt 2014-01-05-am_childrenofgod.pdf 2014-01-05-am_childrenofgod.mp3
01/05/14 Glory to God Hugh DeLong N/A Sun PM 2014-01-05-pm_glorytogod-pt2.mp3 2014-01-05-pm_glorytogod-pt1.mp3 2014-01-05-pm_glorytogod.ppt 2014-01-05-pm_glorytogod.pdf
12/29/13 Hebrews 12 Hugh DeLong N/A Sun AM 2013-12-29-am_hebrews12.mp3
12/29/13 Religion Hugh DeLong N/A Sun PM 2013-12-29-pm_religion.ppt 2013-12-29-pm_religion.pdf 2013-12-29-pm_religion.mp3
12/22/13 Representing The Lord Hugh DeLong N/A Sun AM 2012-12-22-am_representingthelord.ppt 2012-12-22-am_representingthelord.pdf 2012-12-22-am_representingthelord.mp3
12/22/13 The Journey to Rome Hugh DeLong N/A Sun PM 2013-12-22-pm_journeytorome.pdf 2013-12-22-pm_journeytorome.mp3 2013-12-22-pm_journeytorome.ppt
12/15/13 Psalm 119 Hugh DeLong N/A Sun AM 2013-12-15-am_ps119.ppt 2013-12-15-am_ps119.pdf 2013-12-15-am_ps119.mp3
12/15/13 Covenants David Teel N/A Sun PM 2013-12-15-pm_covenant.mp3
12/08/13 Traditions Hugh DeLong N/A Sun AM 2013-12-08-am_traditions.ppt 2013-12-08-am_traditions.pdf 2013-12-08-am_traditions.mp3
12/08/13 Church Problems in the 1st Century Hugh DeLong N/A Sun PM 2013-12-08-pm_churchproblems1stcentury.ppt 2013-12-08-pm_churchproblems1stcentury.pdf 2013-12-08-pm_churchproblems1stcentury.mp3
12/01/13 Morality and Corinth Hugh DeLong N/A Sun AM 2013-12-1-am_moralityandcorinth.ppt 2013-12-1-am_moralityandcorinth.pdf 2013-12-1-am_moralityandcorinth.mp3
12/01/13 Saved by Grace Hugh DeLong N/A Sun PM 2013-12-01-pm_savedbygrace.ppt 2013-12-01-pm_savedbygrace.pdf 2013-12-01-pm_savedbygrace.mp3
11/24/13 Jesus' Authority Hugh DeLong N/A Sun AM 2013-11-24-am_jesusauthority.mp3
11/24/13 God Works Hugh DeLong N/A Sun PM 2013-11-24-pm_godworks.mp3
11/17/13 Jesus' Example of Service Hugh DeLong N/A Sun AM 2013-11-17-am_jesusexampleofservi.mp3
11/17/13 Apostles Hugh DeLong N/A Sun PM 2013-11-17-pm_apostles.pdf 2013-11-17-pm_apostles.mp3 2013-11-17-pm_apostles.ppt
11/10/13 Love Hugh DeLong N/A Sun AM 2013-11-10-am_love.mp3
11/10/13 The Good Book Says Hugh DeLong N/A Sun PM 2013-11-10-pm_thegoodbooksays.mp3
11/03/13 Christ Can Forgive Hugh DeLong N/A Sun AM 2013-11-03-am_christcanforgive.mp3
11/03/13 John 7:10-52 Hugh DeLong N/A Sun PM 2013-11-03-pm_jn7.mp3
10/27/13 At Your Word, I Will Hugh DeLong N/A Sun AM 2013-10-27-am_atyourword.mp3
10/27/13 Lord, Son of God Hugh DeLong N/A Sun PM 2013-10-27-pm_lordsonofgod.mp3
10/13/13 Zeal and Knowledge Hugh DeLong N/A Sun AM 2013-10-13-am_zealandknowledge.ppt 2013-10-13-am_zealandknowledge.pdf 2013-10-13-am_zealandknowledge.mp3
10/13/13 Giving Hugh DeLong N/A Sun PM 2013-10-13-pm_giving.mp3
10/06/13 Ezra Hugh DeLong N/A Sun AM 2013-10-06-am_ezra.mp3 2013-10-06-am_ezra.ppt 2013-10-06-am_ezra.pdf

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