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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
03/24/24 Ashamed of the Gospel Brenden Ashby N/A Sun AM ashamed.mp3
03/24/24 Why Study? The Gospel of Mark Brenden Ashby N/A Sun AM mark.mp3
03/17/24 Why Do Christians Accept the Writing of Paul? Brenden Ashby N/A Sun PM paul.mp3
03/17/24 A Centurion's Faith Brenden Ashby Clean Up Sun AM centurion.mp3
03/10/24 Preparing to Worship Brenden Ashby Clean Up Sun AM preparing.mp3
03/03/24 Humility Brenden Ashby N/A Sun AM 2024-03-03-am_humilty.pptx 2024-03-03-am_humilty.pdf 2024-03-03-am_humility.mp3
02/28/24 How Much? David Halbrook Gospel Meeting - David Halbrook Gospel Meeting 2024-02-28-7pm_howmuch.pptx 2024-02-28-7pm_howmuch.pdf 2024-02-28-7pm_howmuch.mp3
02/27/24 Aquila & Priscilla - Heirs Together David Halbrook Gospel Meeting - David Halbrook Gospel Meeting 2024-02-27-7pm_aquilapriscilla-heirstogether.pptx 2024-02-27-7pm_aquilapriscilla-heirstogether.pdf 2024-02-27-7pm_aquilapriscilla-heirstogether.mp3
02/26/24 The Faith of Sergius Paulus David Halbrook Gospel Meeting - David Halbrook Gospel Meeting 2024-02-26-7pm_faithofsergiuspaulus.pdf 2024-02-26-7pm_faithofsergiuspaulus.mp3 2024-02-26-7pm_faithofsergiuspaulus.pptx
02/25/24 Make No Provision For The Flesh David Halbrook Gospel Meeting - David Halbrook Gospel Meeting 2024-02-25-6pm_makenoprovisionfortheflesh.pptx 2024-02-25-6pm_makenoprovisionfortheflesh.pdf 2024-02-25-6pm_makenoprovisionfortheflesh.jpg.mp3
02/25/24 The Lord's Day & Resurrection David Halbrook Gospel Meeting - David Halbrook Gospel Meeting 2024-02-25-10am_lordsdayresurrection.pptx 2024-02-25-10am_lordsdayresurrection.pdf 2024-02-25-10am_lordsdayresurrection.mp3
02/25/24 Little By Little David Halbrook Gospel Meeting - David Halbrook Gospel Meeting 2024-02-25-9am_littlebylittle.pptx 2024-02-25-9am_littlebylittle.mp3 2024-02-25-9am_littlebylittle.pdf
02/18/24 Baptism For The Dead Brenden Ashby N/A Sun PM 2024-02-18-pm_baptismforthedead.pptx 2024-02-18-pm_baptismforthedead.pdf 2024-02-18-pm_baptismforthedead.mp3
02/18/24 Christ, The Church, And Marriage Brenden Ashby N/A Sun AM 2024-02-18-am_christthechurchandmarraige.pptx 2024-02-18-am_christthechurchandmarraige.pdf 2024-02-18-am_christthechurchandmarraige.mp3
02/11/24 David's Last Days Brenden Ashby N/A Sun PM 2024-02-11-pm_davidslastdays.pptx 2024-02-11-pm_davidslastdays.pdf 2024-02-11-pm_davidslastdays.mp3
02/11/24 Love The Brethren Brenden Ashby N/A Sun AM 2024-02-11-am_lovethebrethren.pptx 2024-02-11-am_lovethebrethren.pdf 2024-02-11-am_lovethebrethren.mp3
02/04/24 Questions About Bible Baptism Brenden Ashby N/A Sun PM 2024-02-04-pm_questionsaboutbiblebaptism.prel 2024-02-04-pm_questionsaboutbiblebaptism.pptx 2024-02-04-pm_questionsaboutbiblebaptism.mp3
02/04/24 Devotion To God Brenden Ashby N/A Sun AM 2024-02-04-am_devotiontogod.pptx 2024-02-04-am_devotiontogod.pdf 2024-02-04-am_devotiontogod.mp3
01/28/24 Why Study Matthew? Brenden Ashby N/A Sun AM 2024-01-28-am_whystudymatthew.pptx 2024-01-28-am_whystudymatthew.pdf 2024-01-28-am_matthew.mp3
01/22/24 Are There Missing Books? Brenden Ashby N/A Sun PM 2024-01-21-pm_aretheremissingbooks.pdf 2024-01-21-pm_aretheremissingbooks.mp3 2024-01-21-pm_aretheremissingbooks.pptx
01/21/24 Astonished At His Teaching Brenden Ashby N/A Sun AM 2024-01-21-am_astonishedathisteaching.pptx 2024-01-21-am_astonishedathisteaching.pdf 2024-01-21-am_astonishedathisteaching.mp3
01/14/24 End Times Confusion Brenden Ashby N/A Sun PM 2024-01-14-pm_endtimesconfusion.pptx 2024-01-14-pm_endtimesconfusion.pdf 2024-01-14-pm_endtimesconfusion.mp3
01/14/24 What Is The Bible? Brenden Ashby N/A Sun AM 2024-01-14-am_whatisthebible.pptx 2024-01-14-am_whatisthebible.pdf 2024-01-14-am_whatisthebible.mp3
01/07/24 The Sword Shall Not Depart Brenden Ashby N/A Sun PM 2024-01-07-pm_theswordshallnotdepart.pptx 2024-01-07-pm_theswordshallnotdepart.pdf 2024-01-07-pm_theswordshallnotdepart.mp3
01/07/24 Taking On God's Character Brenden Ashby N/A Sun AM 2024-01-07-am_takingongodscharacter.mp3 2024-01-07-am_takingongodscharacter.pptx 2024-01-07-am_takingongodscharacter.pdf

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