Sermon Files

Sermon Files

Displaying 226 - 250 of 1115

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
04/17/22 He Loved Them to the End Brenden Ashby Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022-04-17-am_helovedthemtotheend.mp3
04/17/22 What Is The Job of The Holy Spirit? Brenden Ashby Sermon N/A Sun PM 2022-04-17-pm_whatisthejoboftheholyspirit.pptx 2022-04-17-pm_whatisthejoboftheholyspirit.pdf 2022-04-17-pm_whatisthejoboftheholyspirit.mp3
04/10/22 Servants of the Church Brenden Ashby Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022-04-10-am_servantsofthechurch.mp3 2022-04-10-am_servantsofthechurch.pdf 2022-04-10-am_servantsofthechurch.pptx
04/10/22 Joshua's Final Counsel Brenden Ashby Sermon N/A Sun PM 2022-04-10-pm_joshuasfinalcounsel.pptx 2022-04-10-pm_joshuasfinalcounsel.pdf 2022-04-10-pm_joshuasfinalcounsel.mp3
04/03/22 Jesus and Anger Brenden Ashby Sermon 2022 Theme: Sermon on the Mount Sun AM 2022-04-03-am_jesusandanger.pptx 2022-04-03-am_jesusandanger.pdf 2022-04-03-am_jesusandanger.mp3
04/03/22 Heavenly Sunlight Brenden Ashby Sermon N/A Sun PM 2022-04-03-pm_heavenlysunlight.pptx 2022-04-03-pm_heavenlysunlight.pdf 2022-04-03-pm_heavenlysunlight.mp3
03/27/22 What is Repentance? Brenden Ashby Sermon N/A Sun AM what_is_repentance.mp3
03/27/22 He Found First His Brother Brenden Ashby Sermon N/A Sun AM he_found_first_his_brother.mp3
03/20/22 Room in the Kingdom Brenden Ashby Sermon N/A Sun AM room_in_the_kingdom.mp3
03/20/22 Philemon Brenden Ashby Sermon N/A Sun PM 2022-03-20-pm_philemon.mp3
03/13/22 The Temptation of Jesus Brenden Ashby Sermon N/A Sun AM tempation_of_jesus.mp3
03/13/22 Music in Worship - Pt 3 Brenden Ashby Sermon N/A Sun PM 2022-03-13-pm_musicinworshippt3.pptx 2022-03-13-pm_musicinworshippt3.pdf 2022-03-13-pm_musicinworshippt3.mp3
03/06/22 I Came to Fulfill Brenden Ashby Sermon 2022 Theme: Sermon on the Mount Sun AM 2022-03-06-am_icametofulfill.pptx 2022-03-06-am_icametofulfill.pdf 2022-03-06-am_icametofulfill.mp3
03/06/22 Music in Worship - Pt 2 Brenden Ashby Sermon N/A Sun PM 2022-03-06-pm_howarewetounderstandsilence.pptx 2022-03-06-pm_howarewetounderstandsilence.pdf 2022-03-06-pm_howarewetounderstandsilence.mp3
02/27/22 Acts 15 and Bible Authority Brenden Ashby Sermon N/A Sun AM Acts_15_and_Bible_Authority.pptx Acts_15_and_Bible_Authority.pdf 2022-02-27-am_thefourpillarsofauthority.mp3
02/27/22 Music In Worship - Pt 1 Brenden Ashby Sermon N/A Sun PM 2022-02-27-pm_mechanicalinstruments-pt1.pptx 2022-02-27-pm_mechanicalinstruments-pt1.pdf 2022-02-27-pm_mechanicalinstruments-pt1.mp3
02/20/22 Is That Really How It Happened? Brenden Ashby Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022-02-20-am_isthatreallyhowithappened.mp3 2022-02-20-am_isthatreallyhowithappened.pdf 2022-02-20-am_isthatreallyhowithappened.pptx
02/20/22 Why Study The Old Testament? Brenden Ashby Sermon N/A Sun PM 2022-02-20-pm_whystudytheoldtestament.pptx 2022-02-20-pm_whystudytheoldtestament.pdf 2022-02-20-pm_whystudytheoldtestament.mp3
02/13/22 Salt and Light Brenden Ashby Sermon 2022 Theme: Sermon on the Mount Sun AM 2022-02-13-am_saltandlight.mp3
02/13/22 Speaking the Truth in Love Brenden Ashby Sermon N/A Sun PM 2022-02-13-pm_eph4.mp3
01/30/22 A Citizen of the Kingdom Brenden Ashby Sermon 2022 Theme: Sermon on the Mount Sun AM 2022-01-30-am_acitizenofthekingdom.pptx 2022-01-30-am_acitizenofthekingdom.pdf 2022-01-30-am_acitizenofthekingdom.mp3
01/30/22 Growing To Maturity Brenden Ashby Sermon N/A Sun PM 2022-01-30-pm_growingtomaturity.pptx 2022-01-30-pm_growingtomaturity.pdf 2022-01-30-pm_growingtomaturity.mp3
01/23/22 Saving Faith Brenden Ashby Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022-01-23-am_savingfaith.mp3 2022-01-23-am_savingfaith.pptx 2022-01-23-am_savingfaith.pdf
01/23/22 Coming Near To God Brenden Ashby Sermon N/A Sun PM 2022-01-23-pm_comingneartogod.pptx 2022-01-23-pm_comingneartogod.pdf 2022-01-23-pm_comingneartogod.mp3
01/16/22 God Has Spoken Brenden Ashby Sermon N/A Sun AM

Displaying 226 - 250 of 1115

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