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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
01/14/18 Resolutions Brenden Ashby N/A Sun AM 2018-01-14-am_resolutions.pptx 2018-01-14-am_resolutions.pdf 2018-01-14-am_resolutions.mp3
12/31/17 Out of Context Brenden Ashby N/A Sun PM 2017-12-31-pm_outofcontext.mp3
12/24/17 Truth in Some Christmas Hymns Hugh DeLong N/A Sun AM 2017-12-24-am_truthinsomechristmashymns.mp3
12/24/17 Know Ye Not Hugh DeLong N/A Sun AM 2017-12-24-pm_knowyenot.mp3
12/10/17 A Healthy Church Hugh DeLong N/A Sun AM 2017-12-10-am_ahealthychurch.ppt 2017-12-10-am_ahealthychurch.pdf 2017-12-10-am_ahealthychurch.mp3
12/03/17 To Obey is Better than Sacrifice (1 Samuel 15:1-22) Brenden Ashby N/A Sun AM To_Obey_is_Better_Than_Sacrifice.docx To_Obey_is_Better_Than_Sacrifice.pptx 2017-12-03-am_obeybetter.mp3
12/03/17 What We KNOW - 1 John Hugh DeLong N/A Sun PM 2017-12-03-pm_whatweknow.mp3 2017-12-03-pm_whatweknow.pptx 2017-12-03-pm_whatweknow.pdf
11/26/17 Simply Christian Brenden Ashby N/A Sun AM Simply_Christians.docx Simply_Christian.pptx 2017-11-26-am_simplychristian.mp3
11/26/17 The Deacon and His Work Brenden Ashby N/A Sun PM The_Deacon_and_His_Work-1511832188.pptx Deacons-1511832188.docx 2017-11-26-pm_thedeaconandhiswork.mp3
11/12/17 Preparing for Worship Hugh DeLong N/A Sun AM 2017-11-12-am_preparingforworship.pptx 2017-11-12-am_preparingforworship.pdf 2017-11-12-am_preparingforworship.mp3
11/05/17 Rich Young Ruler Brenden Ashby N/A Sun AM Right_Things_About_the_Rich_Young_Ruler.pptx RIch_young_ruler.docx 2017-11-05-am_richyoungruler.mp3
11/05/17 What's Eating Jonah? Hugh DeLong N/A Sun PM 2017-11-05-pm_whatseatingjonah.pptx 2017-11-05-pm_whatseatingjonah.pdf 2017-11-05-pm_whatseatingjonah.mp3
10/08/17 Christians and Social Media Brenden Ashby N/A Sun AM The_Christian_and_Social_Media.pptx The_Christian_and_Social_Media.docx 2017-10-08-am.mp3
10/01/17 The Absence of Gracious Speech Today Hugh DeLong N/A Sun AM 2017-10-01-pm_exodus.pdf 2017-10-01-am_graciousspeech.pptx 2017-10-01-am_graciousspeech.mp3
10/01/17 Lessons From The Mountain Brenden Ashby N/A Sun PM Lessons_from_the_Mountain.docx 2017-10-01-pm_exodus.pptx 2017-10-01-pm_exodus.mp3
09/24/17 The Church of the Bible Brenden Ashby N/A Sun AM The_Church_of_the_bible.docx The_Church_of_The_Bible.pptm 01_2017-09-24-am_thechurchofthebible.mp3
09/24/17 The Stories of Our Lives Hugh DeLong N/A Sun PM 2017-09-24-pm_storiesofourlives.pptx 2017-09-24-pm_storiesofourlives.pdf 02_2017-09-24-pm_tellthebiblestory.mp3
09/17/17 Discipleship Hugh DeLong N/A Sun AM 2017-09-17-am_discipleship.pdf 2017-09-17-am_discipleship.mp3 2017-09-17-am_discipleship.pptx
09/17/17 The Truth About Sin Brenden Ashby N/A Sun PM 2017-09-17-pm_thetruthbehindsin.pptx 2017-09-17-pm_thetruthbehindsin.pdf 2017-09-17-pm_thetruthbehindsin.mp3
09/10/17 What to expect Brenden Ashby N/A Sun AM 2017-09-10-am_whattoexpect.mp3
09/03/17 Few Saved Hugh DeLong N/A Sun AM 2017-09-03-am_fewsaved.mp3
08/20/17 Stewardship Hugh DeLong N/A Sun AM 2017-08-20-am_stewardship.mp3
08/20/17 Remember Who You Are! Hugh DeLong N/A Sun PM 2017-08-20-pm_rememberwhoyouare.mp3
08/13/17 Luke 12 Hugh DeLong N/A Sun AM 2017-08-13-am_luke12.mp3
08/06/17 A Healthy Church Hugh DeLong N/A Sun AM 2017-07-16-am_ahealthychurch.mp3 2017-07-16-am_ahealthychurch.ppt 2017-07-16-am_ahealthychurch.pdf

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